As a Maryland Energy Administration Grantee, Building Change Has Completed Hundreds of Sustainable Modifications for Low- and Moderate-Income Residents.
We Provide Home Weatherization Services for Low- and Moderate-Income Maryland Residents
Funded by the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) and in partnership with EDGE Energy, we are proud to offer Energy and Weatherization Grants to our local Maryland Community for fiscal years 2023 and 2024. If qualified, this grant will utilize funds to make improvements to your home to help reduce monthly utility bills, improve home comfort and home indoor air-quality, and eliminate some health and safety issues.
Typical upgrades include energy audits, insulation, air-sealing, duct-sealing, heating and cooling equipment, and more!
Please click the application button above to obtain sustainable home modification performed by Building Change and its partners.
You can can submit your completed application by Email, Mail, or Fax:
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]\
Mail: Building Change, Inc.
Attn: Lt. (Ret) James Flynn
6852 Distribution Dr.
Beltsville, MD 20705
Fax: 240-786-4186
Building Change, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
- Lt. (Ret) James (Jim) Flynn at 240-417-9098 or [email protected]
- Alison Miller at 301-908-4079 or [email protected]
Above: An HVAC technician tests the performance of air ducts.
Our Partners
“…Professional, courteous, and reliable. They treated me with respect and dignity.”
“As a single mom, the cost savings really helps.”
“They went out of their way to answer all my questions.”
“I am pleased my house /appliances will be more energy efficient, save me
money and make the world more pollution-free.”